How To Detox Your Body With Our 14-Day Detox Kit
Spring is here, and it’s time do some all-around spring cleaning, which also means “spring cleaning” your body. If you haven’t yet detoxed after all of the holiday festivities months ago, then now is the time to do so. You may feel a little bloated, low in energy or have a bit of brain fog. You may have even gained a few pounds, despite planning to lose weight. That’s ok. As spring begins, the best thing to do now is to review your health goals, and do a 14-Day Detox plan to help you get started in the right direction.
Our 14-Day Detox Kit helps you to feel your best. Detoxing increases energy through more efficient use of nutrients. Detoxing also supports hormone balance, which can help you sleep better and improve moods. It can even reduce sugar cravings and help you lose weight.
- Phthalates have come to light as being very common and in higher amounts in restaurant foods. Study participants that had eaten take out or restaurant food in the past 24 hours had 35% higher phthalates in their blood than the participants that had not. Phthalates have been linked to asthma, low IQ, autism, fertility, obesity, and breast cancer. Phthalates are also found in many personal care and household cleaning type products.
- Glyphosate is a pesticide that was found in 100% of California wines, even the organic ones. It’s also called Roundup, which you most likely have heard of, and it’s actually a pesticide and an antibiotic, so it’s twice as dangerous. It’s been linked to imbalanced gut health, skin cancer and is likely causing other types of cancers, as well. It also adds to total toxic exposure which increases inflammation and risk of heart disease.
- Magnesium helps detox heavy metals.
- Glycine is an amino acid that is essential to the production of protein, the production of glutathione, and in detoxification reactions.
- Milk Thistle contains silymarin which acts as an antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation.
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine is used in the production of L-Glutathione which is a master antioxidant (perhaps the most effective antioxidant you can have in your body). It also helps boost immunity.
- Dandelion Extract may help increase the flow of bile which supports a healthy liver.
- Green Tea is a natural and effective antioxidant shown to help reduce cancer risk and lower inflammation.
- L-Glutathione is an amino acid and a master antioxidant that can get easily used up by your body when detoxing any type of chemical. It’s important to refuel with this nutrient as much as you can, while being careful with label doses or doctor’s instruction. Taking L-Glutathione regularly has been linked to better sleep, lower inflammation, and even lowering allergic reaction to seasonal allergies.